

Scheduling Alyvia!!

So everyone has told me over and over "you are spoiling her" "you are babying her" Well, Everyone!! She is a baby! But recently she has been waking up about EVERY hour at thinking she needs to be fed or held. Now, I love her and want to comfort her, but seriously this was getting rediculous! So I decided it was time to schedule this little girl. It has NOT been easy!! As there have been many nights that when she cries herself to sleep, I too cry my self to sleep!! I have felt like a very bad mommy! It was/is the worst feeling EVER!

But everything has turned around! Last night Alyvia slept!!! She slept all night! She went to bed at 7 pm and slept until 8 am! mind you she did have a feeding at 10 pm and 5 am. But those I can handle! It was the bed at 7 pm then feeding at 10, 12, 2, 3, 5, 6 then awake at 7:30 or 8, that were killing me! I am grateful for the 6 or 7 hours I got!!! Although, I did wake up and check on her to make sure she was still breathing, because this was a FIRST!!

We love this little girl! She is such a blessing!

6 thoughts of the day:

Anonymous said...

HAHA! I love the pictures!!!

It is hard the first time you start scheduling them but it is SO worth it. I hope she keeps doing well.

Mike said...

I LOVE those pictures you took of her, they are hilarious first of all, but really really good! What light did you use. I am finding winter lighting very difficult!

Mike said...

bah, it's mckenzie again. It seems michael is always signed in when i comment on your blog.

Team Jogan said...

oh man.... i need to do that SOOOOO bad. im tired of all the feedings at night... but i was waiting to come back from washington so we could be home and she could be in her crib! i hope it turns out ok...

Dacia said...

that's so awesome that she slept. It's hard, but I always got my children on a schedule right away. I think it's good for everybody's sanity :)

Corrine I freakin love you so much:) I don't know if you got my message that I left on your phone the other day but I miss you tons! You are an awesome mommy and I hope that this next year Jared and I get to see you and Kristofer and Alyvia. Lots of love:)

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18 March 2007

Our Engagement

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Manti Temple

Manti Temple
24 August 2007

Welcome Alyvia Jane

Welcome Alyvia Jane
23 July 2009 1:24 am
