

Home in Rexburg...

YAY!! We have a home! No more living out of suitcases! That is the best part ever. We got home from our honeymoon and now life begins. We had a week before school started and so much to do. School has started and the house still isn't all put together, but it's getting there. Living on the second floor is a doozzy! It took a lot to get everything up there! Oh, well. I am so excited Kim is coming up this weekend and I am having a 'house warming' party with all my former roomies. Well just dinner on Sunday. Life is great and I am so excited for the weekend. I am taking Calculus at 7:45 in the morning, dumb idea!! Oh, well... Weekends are the best! Enjoy the pictures of our not so put together home. :D

3 thoughts of the day:

Ashley said...

I am happ for you two..I want your t.v. I will se you on tuesday!

Ashley said...

okay I meant "happy" and "see"

Mandy said...

Congrats on getting into your new place. Enjoy decorating your new home the way you want it to be. I know that I have.

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My Photograpghy Portfolio


18 March 2007

Our Engagement

Our Engagement

Manti Temple

Manti Temple
24 August 2007

Welcome Alyvia Jane

Welcome Alyvia Jane
23 July 2009 1:24 am
