- photo journal (10)
- VT handouts (1)
Where is the time going??
Corrine is 31 weeks...
Baby's expected due date, July 30th: 62 days
Graduation for Kristofer and Corrine: 55 days
Moving date August 31st: 94 days
Loving every minute of stress: EVERY DAY! :)
We are doing great and are so very excited for our next great adventure as a new family of three and with degrees.
next Dr. appt: June 3rd, if there is any more news I'll let ya know. :)
Some examples of Lisa'a wedding...
Last weekend...

Happy Mother's Day

28 weeks and 3 days
Happy Mother's Day!
To each of my sisters!
Ashley, Brittany, and to Danielle (this is her first Mom's day!)
So, for this tag, you are supposed to go to the documents on my computer, go to pictures, pick the 6th file, then the 6th folder, and the 6th picture. You are to then post the picture on my blog, tell about it, and tag 6 people to do the same.
I dont have 6 folders because I transfer everything to our external hard drive, but here you go.
This is me Senior year of High school. I was on drill team in Texas*. For those not from Texas, Drill Team is not just your ordinary dance team as in every other states!! This is a Friday night right before a football performance.
I want to be that skinny again!!! and I want my legs to look like that!! I miss those days, sometimes!! :)
I tag: Danielle, Ashley, Brittany, McKenzie, Lauren, and Kim
* more about Texas Drill teams click here, and here

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