

Happy Mother's Day

There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. The choice is different and unique for each mother and each family. Many are able to be “full-time moms,” at least during the most formative years of their children’s lives, and many others would like to be. Some may have to work part-or full-time; some may work at home; some may divide their lives into periods of home and family and work. What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above all else. - M. Russel Ballard I am thankful to my mother! For her perfect way of being a mother, she has taught me so much and I truly look up to her. She has and still is very devoted to her children and their well beings. She is a GREAT grandmother to all her 5 (almost 6) grand-daughters and her spoiled little grandson. My mother has always worked hard to support her husband in all he does. Her love for the Lord and our Father in Heaven has always been in inspiring to me. I love you mom and miss you every day!
28 weeks and 3 days
I pray I can be at least half the mother my mother was/is. I hope that I can have the relationship with my little girl that my mother has with each of her girls!!!
Happy Mother's Day! To each of my sisters! Ashley, Brittany, and to Danielle (this is her first Mom's day!) :)

1 thoughts of the day:

mckenzie said...

Okay, I just have to say, concerning you previous post, you have HOT legs!!!

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