

The Miraculous Blanket

*pic taken Sept 26, 2009
So my mother has 3 very very very soft, comfy, fuzzy blanket that Alyvia always slept with during her naps. She always took LONG naps when she used this blanket. One day I ask my mom if we could experiment with it. Alyvia would NOT sleep through the night or even for long periods of time during the night or even in her crib! So my mom let us take it for just one night. Well, This blanket now belongs to Alyvia. She slept for 5 hours straight with this blanket in her crib. It was a MIRACLE!! Kristofer and I can't express how grateful we are for this blanket. I can't wait for the night that she sleeps all through the night.
*This is her favorite position.

1 thoughts of the day:

Loves this picture, she is knocked out!! :)

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18 March 2007

Our Engagement

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Manti Temple

Manti Temple
24 August 2007

Welcome Alyvia Jane

Welcome Alyvia Jane
23 July 2009 1:24 am
