- photo journal (10)
- VT handouts (1)
Shower me with baby... I mean Baby Shower!!
Thanks to everyone who came to my baby shower!! It was fun and I enjoyed every minute of it. Little Alyvia will be so loved! Jill and Amanda you are amazing for putting this together for me!
(Angie thanks for the diaper cake!)
pic #1 McKenzie, Melissa, me, Kim, Sis Jamison, Chera, Amanda, Jill
pic #2 Lynne and Amanda (MIA Dacia)
Thank you EVERYONE!!
Father's Day= Fun
Kristofer REALLY wanted pizza for Father's day. :) So we made a home-made pizza. Kristofer made the crust and I made the sauce. It turned out AMAZING!! Who needs Little Caesars? We can do it ourselves and save $5! hehe... :)
Recipes (click) Pizza or Pizza Sauce
34 weeks...
Wow, I really can't believe how fast this time is flying by! We have finally hit the mark of going to the Doctors every 2 weeks. I thought it was best we got some pictures to document this miraculous time in our life. As I have said I am in a studio lighting class, so I asked a friend of mine to take a few snaps after we finished an assignment. :) So, then I photoshopped them.
Isn't life great!!
Date Day...
Today was a GREAT day!! It started about 9:45 am (after morning class). We went to the Rexburg Temple. It was such an amazing experience!
Then we headed on out to Idaho Falls for lunch. We went to CAFE RIO!!
Yes, there is a Cafe Rio in IF!! I am so excited. I totally got my favorite, their salad! YUMMY!
Then after lunch we headed over to Toys R Us. There we ordered our car seat and a click stroller. They don't have the stroller that matches in any warehouse. RUDE!! :( We'll have to order that later.
Ok, so after that we headed to the Titanic Exhibit. Which I was kinda
disappointed in. It was the same info that I learned on the Discovery channel. I expected MORE!! Artifacts and such, seriously there was like 10 artifacts. At the end of the thing we read something that said they have found over 55,000 artifacts, and we got to see 10. RUDE!! But it was with Kristofer and it was ok.
Then to finish off our date... we were off the Sam's. ;) We cannot go to Idaho Falls without going to Sam's. Hehe...
We then came home around 5... just in time to do homework. :)
What a GREAT day! Love you Kristofer!!!
Shoe Fetish...
For those of you who really know me, you know I have a problem. I LOVE shoes!! And I am afraid that I will pass this fetish down to my innocent child. :)
33 weeks...
49 days to go!
I am thinking it's time to get things in order for this baby. Like packing a bag, maybe. :)
Happy Anniversary!
The love of my life!!
I am currently taking a studio lighting class. Which I have a love/ hate relationship with. :) The teacher is great at what he does, but he doesn't teach it very well. Right now we are in the portrait part of the class (we have been doing mostly still life, which I am NOT good at). So being short notice, I pulled Kristofer to be my model! I must say he is my sexiest model, ever!! ;) We never take pictures of him, and I feel I got two that I love!!! I want to frame and keep them forever!
(click on picture to enlarge)
I love this man!! And just look at his smile! That is and always be my favorite of him!
Thanks Kristofer for your help!! We need to take have pictures of you done more often! ;)
32 weeks...
This past weekend...
We had such a fun and busy weekend. :) Kristofer is such a green-thumber. We went and bought some cheap but BEAUTIFUL flowers and he planted them. He is so good at it, I personally have never liked the feel of dirt under my finger nails and on my hands. But if he likes it and is good at, why not? It adds a more at home feel to this box of an apartment. ;) And our herbs from before are growing like CRAZY!! The cilantro and parsley are taking over... I guess its time to cut and cook!!! hehe...
Kristofer and I are taking a baking class, and the thing I think we like making the most is French Bread... So easy and SO YUMMY!!
They turn put so big and fluffy! I love it! Here are our two. Mine is the top and Kristofer's is the bottom. :)
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