1) This us when we arrived. It was McDonald dollar days, everyone was a dollar to get in. It was a bit rainy, but we survived.
2) Ryann and Seiler looking at frogs.
3) Aunt Brittany holding and feeding Alyvia with Ryann in the background.
4) Alyvia got CRANKY so we put her in this peanut shell and she fell right asleep.
5) the kids got their faces painted. :)
I love the zoo! Ashlyn and I were going to go today but it was like 30* outside! NO THANK YOU! Haha, but I miss you lots! I got Ashlyn's ears pierced like a month ago. If I could go back, I would get them pierced earlier. Ashlyn doesn't pull on them or anything, but I just always felt so bad cuz I thought it would hurt her! I finally was sick of not having her ears pierced and decided that she was gonna be just fine, and she only cried for like a minute (you know the cry). Haha.
2 thoughts of the day:
Sounds like a fun day! I bet you can wait till Alyvia can look at all of the animals!
I love the zoo! Ashlyn and I were going to go today but it was like 30* outside! NO THANK YOU! Haha, but I miss you lots! I got Ashlyn's ears pierced like a month ago. If I could go back, I would get them pierced earlier. Ashlyn doesn't pull on them or anything, but I just always felt so bad cuz I thought it would hurt her! I finally was sick of not having her ears pierced and decided that she was gonna be just fine, and she only cried for like a minute (you know the cry). Haha.